OIKOS April 01, 2024Wellington Apothecary Oikos (Greek) – habitat, environment, home. We don’t often consider how intertwined we are with nature because we have grown up to believe that we are separate from it....
ANTHROPOLOGY March 01, 2024Wellington Apothecary Participant Observation as a Way of Life. For our March Meditation month I want to highlight an anthropological tool that is used in the field when learning about other...
SWANNING February 01, 2024Wellington Apothecary I have always love the image and symbolism of the swan. A swan embodies grace, elegance and dignity. I equally love the term, swanning around, even though it has negative...
RADICAL REGENERATION January 01, 2024Wellington Apothecary A practical and pagan way to begin a new year and a new you. Radical regeneration requires rewriting ones story. Most of our stories that we live by and...
RITUALS December 01, 2023Wellington Apothecary Rituals are the key to creating a good life and a buffer for when times are not so good. We call them rituals because this word invokes a sense of...
WILD INSIDE November 01, 2023Wellington Apothecary “We may have left the natural world but the natural world has not left us.” - Michael McCarthy, Environmental Journalist We may be living with smartphones, artificial intelligence and...
SYMPOIESIS October 01, 2023Wellington Apothecary The word “sympoiesis” derives from the ancient Greek sún (“with, together”) and poíēsis (“creation, production”), meaning “becoming-with.” And so, we live, create and become who we are together with everything...
BIORHYTHM September 01, 2023Wellington Apothecary “To decompose is to become different. It’s a process that mirrors our emotional worlds. We recycle old versions of ourselves, integrating new experiences and then using those memories to transform...
UNDERLAND August 01, 2023Wellington Apothecary “Sometimes in the darkness you can see more clearly.” - Robert McFarlane I recently read a book by Robert McFarlane called Underland, about the rich and varied life underground....
QUIESCENT July 01, 2023Wellington Apothecary Slow down, rest, and allow the natural, necessary process of quiescence - quietness, stillness, inactivity and dormancy. Winter is our time to yield into quiescence, it is an essential process...
YUTORI June 01, 2023Wellington Apothecary1 comment Yutori is a Japanese noun for a sense of wellbeing that arises by living with spaciousness. I discovered this in the podcast: On Being with Naomi Shihab Nye. Spaciousness...
GATHERING May 01, 2023Wellington Apothecary For me, autumn is all about gathering resources and micro-dosing wellbeing rituals throughout the day in preparation for winter. Gathering the resources we need is a great act of...