PIECEMEAL April 01, 2023Wellington Apothecary “Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy, and serenity. We need only to be awake, alive in the present moment.” - Thich Nhat...
THREADS March 01, 2023Wellington Apothecary "When everybody is sensitive to all the nuances going around, and not merely to what is happening in one’s own mind, there forms a meaning which is shared. And in...
REFRAME February 01, 2023Wellington Apothecary Stuck between a rock and a hard place? A big challenge we have to face when it comes to our mental wellbeing is that we can feel stuck under...
RESOLVE January 01, 2023Wellington Apothecary “If you do not have your own self as your essence, you will fill the void with anything you can... Revolution really must occur within.” - Alice Walker, Anything We Love...
RETROSPECT December 01, 2022Wellington Apothecary Looking back over the year that has been I would like to bring our attention to a Stoic practise called Prospective Retrospection. It is a practise that cultivates an urgent...
DEEP PLAY November 01, 2022Wellington Apothecary “Time was a meadow not a highway.” – Tom Robbins If you get frustrated with the many quotes and articles about how important it is to rest, you are...
BELTANE October 01, 2022Wellington Apothecary Traditionally a time to celebrate rejuvenation and fertility in the peak of spring, which for us in the Southern hemisphere is in October. Today we can celebrate and rejuvenate...
SHOSHIN September 01, 2022Wellington Apothecary Shoshin is a Zen Buddhist term meaning "beginner's mind." It is an attitude of openness, eagerness, and freedom from preconceptions. It is a way of approaching life with a fresh...
GOLDEN WORDS August 01, 2022Wellington Apothecary Transform your weaknesses into strengths… It is too easy to get stuck in a rut and feel that it is impossible to get out, purely because of our negative...
ORBIT July 01, 2022Wellington Apothecary Only after we have allowed ourselves to deliquesce into to darkness can there be a glimmer of light as a new cycle begins. It is obvious that we are...
STATUS ANXIETY June 01, 2022Wellington Apothecary Do you ever feel like your life revolves around trying to be someone special, someone extraordinary, someone unique, fascinating and revolutionary? … You can stop trying. You can...
SENSORY RETREAT May 01, 2022Wellington Apothecary 5 TOOLS TO TURN ON, TUNE IN & DROP OUT Although this is a counterculture saying from the 60’s – turn on, tune in, drop out– it is...